Breakfast and Shoes

Top; StyleSofia, Skirt; H&M, Socks; H&M, Studded booties; Forever21, Bag; Botkier

So the past few days... or has it been a week already? has been hectic!

Fashion Week started for me with the IFB conference where I met a lot of the blogger gals in real person which I had been looking forward too the most! The conference was good and really started this thinking-spin of what I want to do with the blog etc blah blah blah... I think you can find write-ups on the conference on the IFB site here.

After the conference we went with a whole bunch of us for pizza, drinks and chats... The candit hanging out photos are going to be a whole separate crazy post haha...

So these outfit pics are right before the "Nine West Blogger Breakfast" where we got a great dilicious in store breakfast and got to explore and pick our favorite pairs of shoes to wear for fashion night out.

No need to say that we ( me and Caroline of Fashion Squad ) went for the taupe leather boots that can be worn folded over or over the knees and whats better then to start your day with a breakfast surounded by shoes haha..

The random hand reaching for the orange juice is Gemma from FadetoBlack and you can see Rebecca from the Clothes Horse in one of the pictures too!

Check out the Clothes Horse for the best write-up and Photos of the Nine West Blogger Breakfast and to see the other bloggers who were there :)

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